Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Who's Who in WhuddleWorld - Part 1

Every now and again, I come across something, when perusing the WhuddleWorld files, that even I have forgotten about - it's also usually a bit bittersweet.  This was definitely the case with a PDF file I came across that had actually ended up filed in the wrong place. Essentially I think it was being created for shareholders or potential investors (or even buyers maybe) who requested some information about the main characters that inhabited the WhuddleWorld story and background.  It is a rough draft document  - as its riddled with typos and numerous grammatical issues - but the content was charming and definitely worth remembering and sharing with WW fans.  So I'm going to highlight two (2) characters from that write-up in this post, and will follow with more in the future. 

 The original document was in MSWord format - so didn't easily translate to a file I could upload - so instead I'm cutting and pasting the text and uploading the images into this Blogger post - but it reads just like the document (though I did take the time to correct the worst of the typos).


Elder Vac
Elder Vac

  VAC – Vac is our “Gaian” Mother. She’s all business when it comes to overseeing WhuddleWorld, but balanced by her softer, more caring side. She is both innovating and old-fashioned, outgoing and introspective, analytical and dreamer. Vac also heads up the Elder Council (the NPC driven “ruling” body that officiates over all of WhuddleWorld). She is one the “first” indigenous Whuddles, though her background and history remain largely untold.




Reginald Tweed
Reginald Tweed 
Reginald Tweed “Reggie” – Reginald is mister mater-of-fact when it comes to day to day business, and very much an intellectual. He oversees the Bureau of Registration (new users), along with being Head Librarian for the Whuddleville Public Library. He is also seated on the Elder Council (and though it’s been hinted that he is equal in authority to Vac herself, his role on the council has never been clearly defined) He is a fusspot and a stickler for protocol, but still quite friendly and lovable in spite of his “stuffiness”. It’s also been alluded to in a WhuddleWorld-wide quest, that Reggie’s origins may actually tie him to the Wanderkins (WhuddleWorld’s mysterious, Romani-like group of artisans, craftsman and merchants)